Is He Dead? Read online

Page 9

  Melissa packed Amanda’s, Elizabeth’s and Robert’s clothes and told Amanda to take the bags to the car. The children were crying and begging to be allowed to stay. Tom and Melissa loaded the kids into the car and drove them to the Greyhound station.

  “We don’t want to go home!” Amanda told Tom. Tom got out of the car and walked purposefully into the Greyhound station. The kids were crying and pleading with him as he walked away.

  No more than five minutes passed and Tom returned to the car.

  “You know what I am going to do with you three?” Tom asked.

  “No! What?” Amanda asked anxiously.

  He sat down behind the wheel and drove back to the motel room.

  “Everybody, bring your bags back in. I’m going to let you stay,” Tom told the kids. All three were delighted. When they were all back in the room, Tom made an announcement.

  “I am going to make you drink the rest of this rum,” he announced. Melissa told him not to do that, but he had already made up his mind.

  He made each of them sit down at the foot of the bed. Elizabeth said she was not going to do it and Tom yelled at her.

  “Shut the fuck up, Elizabeth!” He began pouring rum into three plastic cups.

  “Here,” he said as he handed each kid a full glass of rum. “Drink it. Drink up,” Tom ordered. Amanda was the first to taste the rum.

  “Oh, my gosh,” she said. “This is nasty, I can’t drink this!”

  “You drink it or your ass is on the bus,” Tom said. Elizabeth took a big gulp and spit it out. Robert sipped a little and quickly announced his dislike for the rum.

  “Drink it now!” Tom yelled. They each began sipping the rum at 11:15 p.m. and did not finish until just before midnight. Amanda fell asleep at the foot of the bed and Robert ended up vomiting in the bathroom. Elizabeth was lying on a pillow against the headboard, totally passed out.

  The next morning all three children were sick. They had each consumed nearly six ounces of 151° proof rum.

  The rest of the vacation went smoothly and they all headed back to Tennessee at the end of the week.


  As they were entering the city limits of home, Tom said, “It’s late - let’s just let Elizabeth stay the night over here.

  “It’s only 9:00 o’clock, Tom, it ain’t too late,” Melissa responded. Tom looked at Melissa like he was daring her to say something else.

  The kids were all sleeping in the back seat nestled against each other. “All right, everyone out of the car. Everybody to bed,” Tom said. Amanda, Robert and Elizabeth entered the trailer one behind the other carrying their pillows and blankets. Amanda went into the bathroom and Robert and Elizabeth went straight to the bedroom. Elizabeth placed her pillow on the floor next to the bed and covered up with her blanket. Soon after, Amanda came in and climbed into bed next to Robert.

  “I’m tired too,” Melissa said as she yawned and stretched out her arms. Tom told her to go to bed and said he was going to stay up for a while to have a drink and watch TV to relax a little before bed.

  Close to an hour passed and Tom stood up from his recliner and removed his boots. He walked quietly into the kids’ bedroom. He leaned over Elizabeth and whispered, “Get up, young lady.” Elizabeth woke up somewhat disoriented, but she stood up and stumbled out of the room as Tom ordered. She walked into the living room and Tom told her to make him a drink. Elizabeth walked over to the sink and removed a glass from a plastic dish strainer. “What do you want?” she asked.

  “Fix me a rum and coke,” Tom ordered. Elizabeth rubbed her eyes in an attempt to clear her vision after being woken up so abruptly.

  “Where is the rum?” she asked.

  “Under the sink, where it always is,” Tom responded, a little impatiently.

  Elizabeth opened the freezer, took out an aluminum ice tray, and broke up some ice cubes for Tom’s drink.

  “The coke is in the ice chest,” Tom said. Elizabeth poured the rum into the glass and followed with Coca-Cola from a two-liter bottle.

  “Here,” she said, handing Tom the glass.

  Elizabeth then said, “Good night” and proceeded to return to bed.

  “Come here, Elizabeth. Are you still sore at me about that thing in Daytona?” Tom asked.

  “Nope, I’m just sleepy,” she responded.

  Tom pointed to the sofa and ordered Elizabeth to sit down.

  “Come here girl, sit right here,” he said.

  Elizabeth was wearing white pajamas. The bottoms had a cartoon character on the right leg and the top was just a plain white button-up top with long sleeves.

  Tom sat next to Elizabeth and attempted to unbutton her top. Elizabeth resisted and pulled away.

  “Sit still a minute,” Tom said. He reached back over and continued to unbutton her top. He took his time with each button and left the top one closed.

  “Let me see what you got under here,” Tom whispered.

  He pulled open her pajama top and exposed Elizabeth’s pale white skin. Her breasts were small with tiny pink nipples. Elizabeth sat there unable to utter a word. She knew this man would seriously hurt her if she said or did anything.

  “Stand up, Elizabeth,” Tom ordered.

  As she stood up, Tom reached for her pajama bottoms. He tugged them slowly downwards and the bottoms began to follow his hands. After pulling the bottoms to her knees, he reached for her panties. He pulled them down very slowly, revealing that Elizabeth had already reached puberty. He pulled the panties down to her pajama bottoms and then continued pulling both to her ankles. As he attempted to remove them from under her feet, Elizabeth lost her balance and was forced to put her hand on Tom’s shoulder. Tom interpreted this as a gesture of acceptance.

  “Stand right here,” Tom said pointing to a spot directly in front of him. Elizabeth stood there totally naked - only twelve years old.

  “You’re a beautiful young woman,” Tom said admiringly.

  “Here, unbutton my shirt for me, Elizabeth,” he said.

  Elizabeth reached out towards his shirt. Her hands were shaking, but she did as she was told. Tom stood up and removed his pants and underwear.

  “Come here Elizabeth,” Tom whispered endearingly.

  Elizabeth scooted closer to him and Tom began touching and caressing her. He was fully erect and Elizabeth didn’t understand what was happening.

  “I have lots of things I want to do with you tonight Elizabeth,” Tom said softly into her ear.

  “Let me make something clear to you first,” Tom said. “What we are doing here tonight is a matter of utmost confidence. Do you believe I would hurt you, if you told somebody our secret?” Tom asked.

  “Yes sir.” Elizabeth replied in a shaky and frightened voice.

  “Now all you have to do is kneel down right here in front of me, Elizabeth.”


  “Hey Kids, I’ve got something for you,” Tom said, waking up both Amanda and Robert. He told them to hurry, that it was very important.

  “Get dressed and put on your jackets. It’s a big surprise,” Tom said with excitement. Amanda and Robert got dressed quickly and stood in the living room waiting.

  “What is it? What is it?” Robert asked. Tom was as excited as they were.

  “Cover your eyes!” Tom said, as he opened the door to the mobile home.

  Both children walked outside, holding their hands over their eyes. Tom grabbed their hands and walked them around to the front of the trailer. He had them stand up next to each other and face in the same direction.

  “Okay! Okay! Now open your eyes!” Tom exclaimed.

  “Oh my God,” Robert exclaimed when he saw two shiny new mini bikes, one red and one blue.

  “Are those ours?” Amanda yelled with excitement.

  “Yep! The red one is yours, Amanda, and the blue one belongs to you, Robert.” Robert reached out to Tom hugging him.

  “You are the best dad in the world,” Robert said. “Ever since I was six yea
rs old I have wanted a mini bike!”

  “Can we ride ‘em? Can we?” Robert asked. The mini bikes were small, motorized bikes. The frames were not more than three feet off the ground. Each had a five horsepower Briggs and Stratton gasoline engine. Tom walked over to Robert’s bike and bent down to open the choke. He took hold of the pull start and gave it a tug. The motor started right up on the first attempt. Robert straddled the mini bike and took off down to the end of the trailer park. Tom pulled on Amanda’s but forgot to open the choke.

  “Damn!” Tom yelled. He opened the choke and pulled again. The little motor cranked right up. “Listen to that,” Tom said. “It’s purring like a kitten. Hop on, Amanda.”

  Amanda sat on the seat and grabbed the handlebars. “All you have to do is turn this,” he said pointing to the throttle on the handle bars. “Right here, is your brake,” Tom explained. Amanda turned the throttle and off she went.

  Later than evening Tom, Melissa, Amanda, and Robert were sitting at the dinner table. “Everybody bow your heads for the blessing,” Tom said.

  “Dear Lord, we ask you to bless this meal, bless each of us and we thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on us. We thank thee for this family and the love we all have for each other. And, Lord, thank you for these beautiful children that you have blessed our lives with. Amen.”

  Melissa had cooked some chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy and had spent most of the day snapping beans.

  “Who wants to go up into the mountains tomorrow so we can ride those new dirt bikes?” Tom said during dinner. Robert and Amanda responded simultaneously, “We do!”

  The next day on the way to the mountains, the Jenkins’ stopped at Kentucky Fried Chicken and picked up all they needed for a picnic. Both mini bikes were in the back of the truck.


  Mona Jones had moved to Knoxville, Tennessee in the middle of a school year. She had asked her sister Debbie if Anne could stay with her until school was out. Debbie said she would enjoy having Anne with her for a couple of months.

  One night while she was staying with Debbie, Anne screamed out in the middle of the night. She was having a nightmare. Debbie ran into the room. “Oh my God, Anne, are you all right?” Anne was shaking under the covers, sobbing her heart out.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” asked Debbie anxiously. “It was just a dream, Anne. It’s okay now,” Debbie said softly as she attempted to comfort the child.

  Anne looked up sorrowfully at her aunt and sobbed, “No it’s not all right, Aunt Debbie, it’s real bad,” she said as she continued to cry uncontrollably.

  Debbie told Anne to come into the kitchen and they would fix a cup of hot chocolate and talk through the problem. Anne began telling Debbie everything that happened a year ago. “But that’s not all, Aunt Debbie, he raped me, too,” Anne said with tears running down her face.

  “Oh my God, honey!” Debbie said as she put her arms around Anne. Debbie picked up the phone and said, “I have to call your mom.”

  “Please don’t call right now, there ain’t nothing she can do tonight, Aunt Debbie. We can call in the morning, okay?”

  The next morning, Debbie called Anne’s mother in Knoxville. Mona drove over immediately. She withdrew Anne from school and took her back to Knoxville with her. As soon as Mona returned, she reported the incident to the Knox County Department of Health and Human Services. Finally, she called the County District Attorney and the Sheriff’s Office.

  “Anne, I have made you an appointment with a therapist and tomorrow you have an appointment with a doctor,” Mona told her daughter. Anne asked why she needed to see a doctor. “Honey, the doctor is a gynecologist, and she is going to take a look at you to see if you were injured during the rape.”

  “Anne, have you ever had sexual relations with anyone?” The doctor asked her. “No, ma’am, I haven’t had sex with anyone before. I’m only 14 years old!” The doctor told her to get dressed and wait for her in the lobby. “Mrs. Jones,” the doctor said. “Your daughter has been penetrated, her hymen is no longer intact.” Mrs. Jones started crying,

  “That rotten son of a bitch!” she muttered under her breath.

  Mona drove Anne to the Police Department and filed a police report. While she was there with Anne, Detective Shawn Crawford and Rick Vaughn took her statement. “Yes sir, Amanda’s mother held me down on the bed while Mr. Jenkins had intercourse with me,” she said.

  “Amanda’s mother told me to relax, and she helped him rape me. She is just as bad as he is! I watched her having sex with Robert and Tom had sex with Amanda. It’s really gross. Robert and Amanda have sex with their Mom and stepdad all the time. She whispered as if an afterthought, “It’s normal to them.”

  “How do you know this type of activity takes place?” Detective Vaughn asked.

  “I just told you, I saw it with my own eyes and it happened to me,” Anne responded. Mrs. Jones waited outside during the interview but was called in when it was over.

  “All right, let’s get a warrant and arrest those two bastards, right now!” Mona said with an excited but disgusted look on her face.

  “Mrs. Jones, you know, I hate to tell you this, but too much time has passed since this alleged incident took place,” Detective Crawford explained. “There ain’t no physical evidence.”

  “You’re putting me on,” Mrs. Jones replied in disgust. “Tom Jenkins got away with raping his own daughter last year when Human Services screwed up the investigation. And this time he raped my daughter!” she exclaimed.

  “Do ya’ll know what happened last year, huh, do ya?” she asked. “Judge Vaughn didn’t force Tom Jenkins to take Amanda to an authorized doctor. Instead he let Tom, a rape and child abuse suspect, to take his victim to his own damn doctors. Not just any damn doctors, but doctors known all over the damn county to be incompetent idiots. The state had to stop their investigation and cancel a petition to seize the kids. This whole damn county is corrupt!” Mrs. Jones yelled.

  Both detectives agreed to take the matter back to Health and Human Services and they asked Mona to stay out of it for the time being. The detectives reported the statement they received from Anne to Health and Human Services. An investigator was assigned to look into the matter. The multi-disciplinary team decided that, for the benefit of the children, a second inquiry was necessary.

  “I think we should send an investigator back in, but if the child continues to deny the allegations, then we really need to put some closure on this case,” one of the members advised.

  “You realize that how we approach this child could make all the difference as to whether she cooperates and tells the truth, or whether she denies the allegations,” another member added. The team agreed they needed to draft a memo to provide explicit directions to the investigator to ensure every possible stone be overturned. One of the most important requirements was to meet with the child in a location where she didn’t feel threatened and to apply pressure on her without her being aware it was being done.


  The next day, the case was assigned to Investigator Betty Gates. “Listen, before you do anything, make sure you pick up the memo in your box,” the case manager emphasized to Betty. Shortly afterwards, the phone rang on Betty Gates’ desk.

  “Investigator Betty Gates speaking,” she answered. “Oh hello, honey, no, I forgot to deposit the check, I’ll run and do it right now.” It was her husband. Betty jumped up and grabbed the case file on her way out, completely forgetting to pick up the memo in her box. She drove to the bank and stopped in the parking lot. She opened the case file and obtained the phone number for Amanda’s school. Mrs. Gates called the school and spoke with Mr. Fletcher, the principal. He used the intercom to call Amanda’s room and had her come to the office. When Amanda arrived, Mrs. Gates introduced herself and explained that she was there to follow up on the same investigation that was done last year by Mrs. Stringer. Amanda immediately became defensive and said, “Why are ya‘ll still doing thi
s? I told everyone we was just lying!”

  “Amanda, your friend Anne said she was raped by your stepfather last year. She said it happened after a fish fry,” Mrs. Gates explained.

  “Nope, that’s a damn lie!” Amanda yelled. “It’s all a lie.”

  Amanda turned away from Mrs. Gates and walked towards the door. She suddenly turned back and said, “Leave us alone, okay?”

  She slammed the door and entered the hallway.

  When Mrs. Gates reported her findings to the multi-disciplinary team, a member asked her, “Why did you call her to the principal’s office? Why didn’t you follow the directions in the memo?” Mrs. Gates responded by saying, “What memo?”

  That evening Amanda told Tom and her mother about the investigator. “You did the right thing. We have to protect ourselves,” Tom told everyone in the room. “Come here, Amanda.” Tom reached around Amanda and gave her a big hug. He pulled her face up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then he kissed her on the lips. Amanda kissed back.

  “Amanda, you know you don’t have to put up with all that,” Tom said. “If you want nice things and luxuries you need to get yourself a job. Listen, you don’t need to keep going to school. You’re fifteen years old.”

  “I like going to schoo,” Amanda replied. Tom explained to Amanda that he didn’t go to high school and neither did Amanda’s mom. “Hell, look at us, we still got plenty of nice things,” Tom told her.

  “You just figure that as of today, you’re a grown woman and we need to get you a job,” Tom told Amanda. Melissa came over and hugged the two of them. Tom picked up Amanda and carried her to the bedroom. Both Tom and Melissa undressed Amanda on the bed. Robert was in his room doing his homework. Tom undressed Melissa and then himself. Tom told Amanda to lie down on her back. Tom and Melissa began performing oral sex on her. Robert heard the noise and knocked on their door. Tom told him to go to bed. Robert was upset and concerned about Amanda so he knocked again. Tom stood up and unlocked the door. “Come on in son,” Tom said.